Month: September 2020

On the Gaps in our Lives

Sandstone cliff, Scotland

On August 29, 2020 I published in the Wall Street Journal a book review on The Book of Unconformities: Speculations on Lost Time by the anthropologist and writer Hugh Raffes, which I heartily recommend for anyone who feels like their sense of time was whacked by a convulsive life events.  Excerpts from my review lead the publisher’s (Pantheon/Penguin/Random House) website and Amazon’s bookstore. ”

“In a high-voltage jolt of insight, Mr. Raffles converts what might seem a dry scientific concept into a potent literary metaphor to help anyone whose sense of time has been fractured by loss . . . [The Book of Unconformities] is so rich in erudition and prose-poetry that I read it like a glutton, tearing off big bites of lost time until I was sated . . . Vivid . . . Exquisite . . . A poignant and healing descent into deep time and its relevance to the human experience.”
—Robert M. Thorson, Wall Street Journal

Image:  The “Old Red Sandstone” at the Old Man of Hoy, Scotland. Alamy Stock Photo.